5e année du secondaire - Interagir en français - Programme de base
Il s'agit d'une formation autoportante à la grille ministérielle en Sanction des études.
Les activités présentées ici sont tirées de la Formation Grille Interaction orale, Français, langue seconde, de base, Ministère de l'Éducation, Direction de l'évaluation des apprentissages.
Cette formation autoportante est le fruit d'une collaboration entre les commission scolaires Eastern Shores, Eastern Township, English Montreal, Central Quebec, Lester B. Pearson, Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier, Western Quebec et LEARN.

Implementing pedagogical differentiation can be a daunting practice for educators that can oftentimes be confusing and overwhelming. At its core the Quebec Education Program (QEP) frames differentiation as a means to ensure success for all students across the province. The intention of this course is for educators to feel more confident that their teaching practices and methods assist all students to succeed regardless of their abilities. The aim of this course is to support educators in developing pedagogical flexibility in practices that support differentiation for all students with or without an IEP (Individual Education Plan), with particular attention given to adaptation and modification.
This differentiation course will be a 4 hour commitment from educators to complete all four modules (4 modules of 1 hour each). We hope that this course prompts discussions between colleagues within schools, and offers simple differentiation practices that will support a success for all mindset.

At its core, the Québec Education Program (QEP) frames differentiation as a means to ensure success for all students across the province. The aim of this course is to support educators in developing pedagogical flexibility in practices that support differentiation for all students with or without an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Particular attention is also given to adaptation and modification of expectations associated with QEP requirements for students with handicaps, social maladjustments or learning difficulties.
By the end of the 4 course modules, our hope is for educators to feel more confident that their teaching practices and methods assist all students to succeed regardless of their abilities.
L’enseignement du FLS a ses spécificités et cette formation cherche à donner un cadre ministériel et théorique à son enseignement. L’intention est que les participant.es à cette formation en ressortent avec une meilleure connaissance de la pédagogie du français langue seconde et puissent utiliser des outils pratiques pour la salle de classe.